Our Family....

Forever, For Always and No Matter What

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Time

I love everything about Christmas!  I love the lights, the smells, the goodies, the decorations, but especially the extra spirit that lingers around our home this time of year.  This year is going to be a little different for our family.  It will be the first Christmas Eve that my children have not been at Grandma Haws' house.  We are all feeling the pain of not being there and the traditions that we are all used to.  But, I have convinced the kids that we will start our own traditions and it will be a great time together just the six of us....I think!  There is a tug on my heart when I hear the song,  "I'll Be Home for Christmas".  I would give anything to be home at my Mom's and Randy's Mom's for Christmas, but I guess it's time I grow up and realize that I AM the Mom!  
I am so thankful for this Christmas season and the joys and peace it brings to our life.  It truly is about being together as a family, laughing, crying and feeling the true spirit of Christmas.  It is the spirit that comes only from the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice so that we can live together forever with our families. 

I know this is the picture on my cards, but I wanted to post on my blog.  These four kids are the light of my life!

 Taysha is not too happy that Treyson is almost as tall as her!

Tylee is such a ham!  

These two girls are best friends, despite their age difference!  

Once again, Randy is out of control with the lights.  He is determined to put more out!  Our neighbors are a little blown away by all the lights, but he LOVES it and so do we!  It was actually nice for him to decorate in 50 degree weather!  No gloves, frostbite, or frozen cords!

I love this little girl so much!  She truly is a blessing to our family!