Our Family....

Forever, For Always and No Matter What

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Time

I love everything about Christmas!  I love the lights, the smells, the goodies, the decorations, but especially the extra spirit that lingers around our home this time of year.  This year is going to be a little different for our family.  It will be the first Christmas Eve that my children have not been at Grandma Haws' house.  We are all feeling the pain of not being there and the traditions that we are all used to.  But, I have convinced the kids that we will start our own traditions and it will be a great time together just the six of us....I think!  There is a tug on my heart when I hear the song,  "I'll Be Home for Christmas".  I would give anything to be home at my Mom's and Randy's Mom's for Christmas, but I guess it's time I grow up and realize that I AM the Mom!  
I am so thankful for this Christmas season and the joys and peace it brings to our life.  It truly is about being together as a family, laughing, crying and feeling the true spirit of Christmas.  It is the spirit that comes only from the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice so that we can live together forever with our families. 

I know this is the picture on my cards, but I wanted to post on my blog.  These four kids are the light of my life!

 Taysha is not too happy that Treyson is almost as tall as her!

Tylee is such a ham!  

These two girls are best friends, despite their age difference!  

Once again, Randy is out of control with the lights.  He is determined to put more out!  Our neighbors are a little blown away by all the lights, but he LOVES it and so do we!  It was actually nice for him to decorate in 50 degree weather!  No gloves, frostbite, or frozen cords!

I love this little girl so much!  She truly is a blessing to our family!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Dad

It's been 10 years since my Dad passed away.  It some ways it seems like yesterday, but in others, it feels like eternity since I have seen him.  Everyone told me that it would get easier with time.  In some ways that is true.  The sting and hurt are not nearly as great as they were 10 years ago.  However, in other ways it is so much harder.  The separation is difficult and I miss him more than I ever thought possible.  I know that he has never PHYSICALLY seen my boys play sports, my daughters cheer or dance, hold my kids on his lap and get their sweet hugs and kisses, seen their report cards, witnessed the band concerts and plays, or been to a primary program.  That hurts and hurts bad!  It hurts even worse that my kids have grown up without PHYSICALLY knowing their Grandpa Sharp.  I try to do everything I can to keep his memory alive and we talk about him constantly.  TJ is hoping that he has some of Grandpa Sharp's TALL jeans, (my Dad was 6'4...don't know what happened to me!) and I always tell the kids that they have their own very special angel to watch over them. 

My Dad was a great man.  I remember as a little girl that I would cry on his shoulder and he would make me laugh as he couldn't figure out why his shirt was wet.  What I wouldn't give to be able to cry on his shoulder now!  No matter how old you get, I don't think you ever outgrow the need for YOUR Mom and Dad!  I loved being able to travel with him when he traveled for his job.  I got to see so many interesting parts of the country and meet so many wonderful people. 

 I LOVE sports because of him.  He taught me so much about football and basketball and I will ALWAYS cherish those times.  He would always give me super great tips when I was a waitress at the BYU Skyroom.  I loved having him come up there so I could wait on his table! 

Dad was ALWAYS joking around.  Many times, my friends didn't know if he was serious or not.  He always had that twinkle in his eye.  My Dad was the most organized person that I know.  I like to think I got a little bit of that trait from him, but I'm not nearly as good as he was. 

 I will NEVER forget the day I got married and I looked at him in the sealing room of the temple.  He had a tear rolling down his cheek.  He came and gave me a hug and told me how much he loved me.  What I wouldn't give for just one of those BIG BEAR hugs he used to give me.  I miss him more than I ever thought possible.  But, thank heavens for the gospel and the plan of salvation.  I KNOW that I will see him again and be able to live with him forever.  What a great comfort that is to know that as hard as the separation is, it is only temporary and yes....once again, in the next life, I WILL be able to get one of those huge bear hugs that I so desperately need and miss! 
I miss you Dad.
I Love you so much!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

One more post for today....

Happy Late Thanksgiving! 
I hope all of our family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  We missed being home more than you will ever know.  We have been with Randy's family or my family every year since we've been married.  Last year I was recovering from surgery, so I didn't really think about it.  But, this Thursday when I woke up and realized that I was still in Morgantown and all my family was thousands of miles away in Idaho and Utah, I shed a few tears.  However, I need to stop and be grateful for so many things.

I am thankful for the gospel because we had members of our ward that shared Thanksgiving with us!  We had the Bishop's family over and another family over.  I am thankful for families in the ward that make our family back west seem not so far away!

I am thankful for wonderful friends in Idaho and Utah and new friends in Morgantown.  They have been by my side through good times and bad, cried with me and laughed with me, and kept me going with their friendship!  THANKS!

I am thankful for four beautiful, healthy children that are the light of my life.  Everything I do is because of them!  They are my greatest joy!

I am thankful for a wonderful husband that loves me even though I have many short comings and works so hard to support our family.  He is amazing and I am so lucky to have him as mine!

I am thankful for wonderful in-laws who since the day I met them, have welcomed me into their hearts and home!  I love the Haws family!

I am thankful for my family.  I have the best sisters and brother that anyone could ask for. They are ALWAYS there for me through good times and bad.  They are my rock and make me laugh even in hard times!  THANKS guys!  My Mom and Dad gave me a wonderful life, taught me the gospel and loved me unconditionally.  I am so lucky to have such wonderful parents!

I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I am truly indebted to our Savior, who sacrificed His life for me that if I live worthy I can return and live with Him and my family forever!

So many things to be thankful for everyday....but especially this time of year as we reflect on the goodness of our loving Heavenly Father.
I am so blessed!


I can't believe that I haven't even posted our Halloween pictures yet.  I thought having all my kids gone all day that I would have tons of time to get things done.  How wrong I was!  I think I am busier now that I have time alone during the day than I was when I had little ones at home....if that's at all possible!  I volunteer at the school, so I am there all the time.  Too bad that I don't get paid for all those hours!  I love being in the school and getting to know the kids my kids hang out with and all the teachers.  I've done Super Saturday, a Craft Fair, running kids in a million different directions, school parties, primary program, book fairs, football games, band concerts, basketball practice, coaching Tylee's cheerleading team, (yes, that is a joke, but they were desperate and I was gullible enough to say yes) and did I mention running kids constantly?  It's a 50 minute drive round trip to drive TJ into school for his extra activities, so that takes time out of my day!  But, I LOVE what I do and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! 
We LOVE Halloween!  We all dress up and decorate the house!  We had the Missionaries over for our "traditional" Halloween dinner.  They weren't too sure about eating gulosh out of a pumpkin, but surprisingly enough, they loved it!  They loved our pumpkin salad, finger dip, (carrots with olives on them), ghost pie and worm punch.  It was fun to share our traditions with the missionaries!  Hope they didn't think we were too crazy!!!  We live in a neighborhood and so we actually got to walk and go to all the houses in the neighborhood.  It didn't hurt that it was 65 degrees!  It was another new experience for us to have in Morgantown.  We loved walking and the kids got tons of candy!  We LOVE Halloween!

Treyson is reading Harry Potter and LOVING the books!  I often catch him up late at night reading with a flashlight!  He wanted to be Harry Potter and I think he made a cute one!

TJ dressed up like....we are not sure!  He had his red headlamp on and this crazy sound toy that Aunt Alana gave the kids.  It's really obnoxious and Randy and I hate it!  TJ just walked back and forth across our sidewalk and shook that crazy noise toy.  He didn't say anything to anyone and didn't scare the kids.  Although, some kids didn't want to come to our door.  I felt bad when I found that out!  He stayed in character the whole time and had fun!

Tylee as the cutest witch ever!  She is a sweetheart!

My darling cowgirl!  Taysha is growing up too fast!

Here are my darling kids!  I dressed up as a witch with Tylee!  We had an awesome Halloween in Morgantown!

My "Little" Boy

TJ is in the Wind Ensamble band for the High School.  It is the top band in the High School and he was fortunate enough to be selected to play in it.  French Horn players are rare and so as a result, he is the only Freshman French Horn player in the band.  They have to wear tux's for the concerts and because they perform so much, we had to BUY it!  Hopefully it will last him for ALL of his high school years.  When he tried on the tux at the Tux Store, yes, I started to cry.  I am sure it embarrassed TJ, but the sweet lady understood.  She even asked me if he was my oldest!  I can't believe that he is growing up so fast and that he is 14!  Only five more years with  me and he will be out in the world on his own.  That kills me and tears me in two!  I can't stand the thought of him leaving me!  He has done so well with the move, making new friends, doing well in school and all his extra activities and standing up for what he believes in.  I am one proud Mom!

We love our TJ!

Fall Colors

It's been way too long since I've posted, so I will try to catch up.  I love Morgantown for the fall colors.  It is absolutely beautiful.  We can just look out our window and enjoy the colors.  Plus it makes for fun leaf piles to jump in!

This is our driveway!

This is our back yard!  I love it!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hemlock Trail

Randy's Mom came out to spend a week and a half with us.  We LOVED having Grandma here.  She watched the kids while we went to Florida, we shopped, we ate, we visited and we also went on the Hemlock Trial.  This is in a State Park about 30 minutes from our house.  Morgantown is absolutely a gorgeous place to live.  I do love it here.  It's so green and you are surrounded by trees.  We feel like we are camping in our back yard, but we have INDOOR plumbing and soft beds!  We went on the trail and saw lots of green and found lots of acorns.  The kids went exploring and this was the first time that Tylee went with them.  It killed me to realzie that she is growing up and no longer my baby.  It was such a weird feeling!  Randy and I just looked at each other.  Good thing his Mom was here so we had someone to talk to and so I wouldn't start bawling!  We love exploring and finding new places to hike and explore!  There is plenty to do in WV!

A Little R and R

Randy had to go to Florida for meetings.  His mom was here to watch the kids, so he wanted me to come along.  I agreed!  It was an extremely fast trip.  We flew out Monday afternoon and came back Wednesday morning, but we loved spending time together.  It was a nice quick get away for us.  We stayed in Clearwater Beach and our hotel was across the street from the beach.  We LOVED it!  It's always been my dream to walk along the beach with my husband....I know that sounds so stupid, but it's true.  Now, I can check another goal off my list! 
Haven't figured out how to rotate....this was taken outside our hotel room balcony.  That is the beach and the ocean!

Randy is out there swimming, but you can't see him!  I LOVED this trip and wouldn't even mind living in Florida if I could come home anytime I wanted!  I loved the time I spent with Randy and it was a much needed break for both of us!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Boys Of Fall

Sorry about this picture not being centered!  I am still learning about this whole blog thing.  Anyway, I have a new favorite song.  It's by Kenny Chesney and it's called, "The Boys of Fall."  The first time I heard it, I couldn't keep the tears back.  If you know me at all, you know that I cry at the drop of a hat, but this song really touched me.  I am sure it's because of many reasons.  The first being is that it reminded me of my Dad.  I miss him so much!  Dad was a HUGE fan of BYU sports.  He lived and breathed BYU Football and Basketball.  Whenever BYU had an away game, every TV and radio in our house was on.  It was not good to be home when BYU lost!  When I was a little girl, being the oldest child, my Dad took me to all the BYU football games with him.  He very patiently explained the game to me.  By the time I was 10, I knew the game pretty good, especially for a girl.  I remember getting bundled up in several layers as it was freezing cold, or just wearing a jacket for a night game in the fall weather.  I LOVED that time I spent with my Dad and will be forever grateful for those memories.

I have to admit, a part of me went back to my High School days and being a cheerleader.  Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go back if you paid me a million dollars....well maybe for a million.  But for a minute, I could remember those Football games.  The pep rally's, the bon fires, the big posters for the team to run through, cheering in the rain, long bus rides, leading the fans in the school song, and cheering for those boys of fall.  What is wrong with me????  Those really were good times!

Fast forward several years and now I am married to a Boy of Fall.  He had a scholarship to Ricks (before it was BYU-I) to play for their football team.  However, before his Sr. year, he was in an accident and broke his ankle.  He sat out all but two games that year and the Ricks FB coaches decided his injury could be reoccurring, so there went the scholarship.  I would have given anything to see him play!  Regardless, he still has football in his blood and when he heard this song, he too teared up.  Once a football player, always a football player!  His fingers are permanently disfigured due to the fact he was a receiver.  And, the crooked nose???  Yes, many football injuries.  But, he would go back and play in a minute.

It's now 2010, and I have my OWN boy of fall!  TJ is playing on the 9th grade team at Morgantown High School.  Only a Mom knows what goes on in your head and heart when you see YOUR child run on the field.  It seems as though time stands still and many prayers are offered that they don't get hurt too bad.  TJ has played since he was in 2nd grade.  It's been fun to watch him grow and learn and finally get some size.  He is still short, (sure that's my fault) but he is growing.  I am so proud of him and I am his biggest cheerleader!

Treyson would give anything to be a Boy of Fall.  But, if we signed him up to play football here, all the games are on Sunday.  This is one of the huge disadvantages of living in the mission field.  He has had to give up so many sporting advents.  But, he does it because he knows it's the right thing to do.  Is is hard?  Sure, especially when all of his friends at school are talking about the games, or the best tackle, or the plays or practice.  But, he holds his head high and knows that he will be blessed for his decision.  Someday, Treyson will be my Boy of Fall.

I LOVE all MY boys of fall so much.  I am so proud of them and proud to be their wife and Mom.  Here's to MY Boys of Fall!

When I feel that chill and smell that wet cut grass
I'm back in my helmet cleats and shoulder pads
Standin in the huddle listenin to the call
Fans going crazy for the boys of fall.

They didn't let just anybody in that club
Took every ounce of heart and sweat and blood
To get to wear those game day jerseys down the hall
King of the school man we're the boys of fall.

Well it's turnin' to face the stars and stripes
It's fighting back them butterflies
It's call it in the air alright, yes sir we want the ball
And it's knockin' heads and talkin trash
It's slinging mud and dirt and grass
It's I got your number, I got your back
When your backs against the wall
You mess with one man you got us all
The Boys of Fall.

In little towns like mine it's all they got
Newspaper clippings fill the coffee shops
The old men will always think they know it all
Young girls will dream of The Boys of Fall!

The Boys of Fall!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Will Never Forget

Last year we went to Shanksville, PA where flight 93 went down.  There was such a neat spirit there.  I will never forget what I was doing, or where I was on September 11, 2001.  I am so grateful that we were able to take the kids there and show them what those men and women sacrificed for us. 

These are some of the thousands of items people have left on the wall in memory of those who sacrificed their lives.

This is a wall that people have signed.  All of us were able to sign the wall.

The flag out in the field is the actual spot where the plane went down.  All of the kids came home with a better understanding of what really happened there.  We will never forget what happened that day and the impact it has made on our lives.  I am so thankful for the men and women in uniform who are so willing to fight for our freedom and keep us safe! WE WILL NEVER FORGET!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Our Fourth of July

I know that it's September, but since  I wasn't doing a blog in July, I thought I would share!  We were so disappointed in the Fourth of July in Morgantown last year.  We LOVE the Idaho Falls Fourth and have been quite spoiled!  We love the parade, the family picnics and games, hanging out and visiting with family before the fireworks and of course the BEST firework show in the West!  We really missed all that last year.  Morgantown just didn't work for us!  So, this year we decided to go and watch the fireworks in Washington D.C.  It's only a 3 1/2 hour drive for us, so it wasn't bad.  Because Randy has been traveling so much again (yes, we ALL hate it!) he had plenty of Marriott rewards so we were able to stay in downtown DC and walk to the Mall.  (No, that's not a shopping center, dang, but it's where all the museums are and by the Monuments!)  Anyway, we were able to visit a few museums and then sit right by the Washington Monument.  They light the fireworks off behind the Monument and it is really gorgeous!  It was TONS better than Morgantown, but we all thought IF was better!  I really think that we just missed being with our family so much!  But, I have to admit, there was something so cool about being in downtown DC for the Fourth.  We loved it and had a great time!

We were waiting for the fireworks to start!  Yes, we all wore matching shirts, even Randy.  I have to admit, it was nice afterwards when we were trying to get back to our hotel.  There were so many people and all I had to do was look for the red shirts!

The girls and I always paint our toenails.  We do this every year and love it!  The girls had matching flip flops and got some nasty blisters from all the walking we did.  That's why they have all the moleskin on.  One bonus....this was the first trip WITHOUT a stroller!  It was so nice, but it tears at my heart just a little to know that I don't have a baby anymore!

I love this girl so much!  She is growing up way too fast though!

I guess we can say that we saw the fireworks in DC!  It was a great weekend and we loved being together as a family!

The next day we went to Arlington National Cemetary.  We loved the changing of the guard.  It was a very touching moment and even Tylee was quiet.  There was just such a spirit there.  We had a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


At Shadow's grave before we moved.

This was a very common sight!  Treyson would sleep on Shadow all the time.  In fact, the last few months of his life, he would sleep in the boys' room and I would often find Treyson asleep on the floor beside Shadow during the night.  This picture was taken a week before we put him down and knew how sick he really was.

Where the Red Fern Grows

On August 27, it was a year since we had to put Shadow down.  It was a horrible time for all of us.  Shadow was my first "official" pet.  My sister had fish and a couple of cats growing up, but Shadow was my first dog.  We rescued him from a shelter when TJ was a year old.  They told us they thought he was one or two at the time.  We had him for 12 years and so that means he would have been 14 when he died.  We were so lucky to have him for that long.  But, it meant saying goodbye so difficult.  The kids continue to talk about Shadow all the time.  After we put him down, a lady that works with Randy was really worried about us and especially the kids.  Randy was telling her the story of  Where the Red Fern Grows.  Can you believe that she had never read it?  Anyway, she was so touched that she special ordered a Red Fern to put at Shadow's grave.  We planted it last September and thought that it had died.  When Spring came this year, it came back as strong as ever.  We all had a difficult time leaving Shadow at our old house.  TJ was determined to bring him with  us.  We shed many tears before we moved!  Shadow will always be in our hearts and we know that he is in heaven with Grandpa Haws playing catch!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Getting Started....

Yes, I finally have a blog.  We have lived across the country for almost 1 1/2 years and I am just getting around to getting one started.  Now I just have to be good about finding the time to post.....
We love Morgantown, West Virginia.  We don't like living so far away from family and friends.  That has been difficult!  But there is lots to love about the East and we are making the best of it!  We have had so many opportunities to see so many things.  Plus, we LOVE living in the mission field.  All of my children have had to be so strong and stand up for what they believe in.  I am so proud of them!  We all have made some wonderful friends and our ward family has become our family away from home!  Thank heavens for the gospel.  It's great to know that no matter where you go in life, there are some members of the Church waiting to welcome you!  Until next time.....