Our Family....

Forever, For Always and No Matter What

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


At Shadow's grave before we moved.

This was a very common sight!  Treyson would sleep on Shadow all the time.  In fact, the last few months of his life, he would sleep in the boys' room and I would often find Treyson asleep on the floor beside Shadow during the night.  This picture was taken a week before we put him down and knew how sick he really was.

Where the Red Fern Grows

On August 27, it was a year since we had to put Shadow down.  It was a horrible time for all of us.  Shadow was my first "official" pet.  My sister had fish and a couple of cats growing up, but Shadow was my first dog.  We rescued him from a shelter when TJ was a year old.  They told us they thought he was one or two at the time.  We had him for 12 years and so that means he would have been 14 when he died.  We were so lucky to have him for that long.  But, it meant saying goodbye so difficult.  The kids continue to talk about Shadow all the time.  After we put him down, a lady that works with Randy was really worried about us and especially the kids.  Randy was telling her the story of  Where the Red Fern Grows.  Can you believe that she had never read it?  Anyway, she was so touched that she special ordered a Red Fern to put at Shadow's grave.  We planted it last September and thought that it had died.  When Spring came this year, it came back as strong as ever.  We all had a difficult time leaving Shadow at our old house.  TJ was determined to bring him with  us.  We shed many tears before we moved!  Shadow will always be in our hearts and we know that he is in heaven with Grandpa Haws playing catch!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Getting Started....

Yes, I finally have a blog.  We have lived across the country for almost 1 1/2 years and I am just getting around to getting one started.  Now I just have to be good about finding the time to post.....
We love Morgantown, West Virginia.  We don't like living so far away from family and friends.  That has been difficult!  But there is lots to love about the East and we are making the best of it!  We have had so many opportunities to see so many things.  Plus, we LOVE living in the mission field.  All of my children have had to be so strong and stand up for what they believe in.  I am so proud of them!  We all have made some wonderful friends and our ward family has become our family away from home!  Thank heavens for the gospel.  It's great to know that no matter where you go in life, there are some members of the Church waiting to welcome you!  Until next time.....