Our Family....

Forever, For Always and No Matter What

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Dad

It's been 10 years since my Dad passed away.  It some ways it seems like yesterday, but in others, it feels like eternity since I have seen him.  Everyone told me that it would get easier with time.  In some ways that is true.  The sting and hurt are not nearly as great as they were 10 years ago.  However, in other ways it is so much harder.  The separation is difficult and I miss him more than I ever thought possible.  I know that he has never PHYSICALLY seen my boys play sports, my daughters cheer or dance, hold my kids on his lap and get their sweet hugs and kisses, seen their report cards, witnessed the band concerts and plays, or been to a primary program.  That hurts and hurts bad!  It hurts even worse that my kids have grown up without PHYSICALLY knowing their Grandpa Sharp.  I try to do everything I can to keep his memory alive and we talk about him constantly.  TJ is hoping that he has some of Grandpa Sharp's TALL jeans, (my Dad was 6'4...don't know what happened to me!) and I always tell the kids that they have their own very special angel to watch over them. 

My Dad was a great man.  I remember as a little girl that I would cry on his shoulder and he would make me laugh as he couldn't figure out why his shirt was wet.  What I wouldn't give to be able to cry on his shoulder now!  No matter how old you get, I don't think you ever outgrow the need for YOUR Mom and Dad!  I loved being able to travel with him when he traveled for his job.  I got to see so many interesting parts of the country and meet so many wonderful people. 

 I LOVE sports because of him.  He taught me so much about football and basketball and I will ALWAYS cherish those times.  He would always give me super great tips when I was a waitress at the BYU Skyroom.  I loved having him come up there so I could wait on his table! 

Dad was ALWAYS joking around.  Many times, my friends didn't know if he was serious or not.  He always had that twinkle in his eye.  My Dad was the most organized person that I know.  I like to think I got a little bit of that trait from him, but I'm not nearly as good as he was. 

 I will NEVER forget the day I got married and I looked at him in the sealing room of the temple.  He had a tear rolling down his cheek.  He came and gave me a hug and told me how much he loved me.  What I wouldn't give for just one of those BIG BEAR hugs he used to give me.  I miss him more than I ever thought possible.  But, thank heavens for the gospel and the plan of salvation.  I KNOW that I will see him again and be able to live with him forever.  What a great comfort that is to know that as hard as the separation is, it is only temporary and yes....once again, in the next life, I WILL be able to get one of those huge bear hugs that I so desperately need and miss! 
I miss you Dad.
I Love you so much!


  1. You made me cry! I miss your dad for you! What a beautiful picture of the two of you! Super sweet!!

  2. I'm so sorry! The ache never goes away. Your dad was wonderful and I'm so glad I had the chance to know him. Love you!
