Our Family....

Forever, For Always and No Matter What

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My "Little" Boy

TJ is in the Wind Ensamble band for the High School.  It is the top band in the High School and he was fortunate enough to be selected to play in it.  French Horn players are rare and so as a result, he is the only Freshman French Horn player in the band.  They have to wear tux's for the concerts and because they perform so much, we had to BUY it!  Hopefully it will last him for ALL of his high school years.  When he tried on the tux at the Tux Store, yes, I started to cry.  I am sure it embarrassed TJ, but the sweet lady understood.  She even asked me if he was my oldest!  I can't believe that he is growing up so fast and that he is 14!  Only five more years with  me and he will be out in the world on his own.  That kills me and tears me in two!  I can't stand the thought of him leaving me!  He has done so well with the move, making new friends, doing well in school and all his extra activities and standing up for what he believes in.  I am one proud Mom!

We love our TJ!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how grown-up he looks!! Oh my word!! He is so much taller than you - that is crazy!!
